Responsibilities in the Practicum
Teacher Candidates are required to understand the expectations of members of the profession as outlined in the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession, and to carry out their professional duties in accordance with these standards.
Failure to comply with any of these standards may result in:
- Ineligibility for Practicum;
- Immediate withdrawal from the Practicum; and/or
- Immediate withdrawal from the Bachelor of Education program.
This is in accordance with Ontario Tech University's Conduct and Professional Suitability Policy. The Teacher Candidate is considered an associate member of the Ontario Teachers' Federation and must therefore act in accordance with the Teaching Profession Act.
Teacher candidates must consistently demonstrate professionalism in all aspects of the BEd program, including coursework, interactions with others, and as guests in schools and classrooms.
In-Field Responsibilities
The Teacher Candidate will:
- Read and be familiar with the guidelines of Practicum;
- Review the assessment criteria and consider their use as a form of self-assessment;
- Become familiar with the host school to gain understanding of the school culture, expectations, and procedures;
- Follow school board, school, and Ontario Tech policies, as well as class routines;
- Be prompt, punctual, and reliable;
- Show initiative;
- Demonstrate a professional attitude by observing the school's dress code, maintaining confidentiality, and cooperating with all school personnel;
- Submit appropriate forms to the Associate Teacher and the Practicum Office as required;
- Understand that cell phones or any other electronic devices are to be used during classroom time for instructional/professional purposes only;
- Be aware that participation in negative conversations about Ontario Tech University, Associate Teachers, or any other member of the school community is considered unprofessional behaviour (see: OTF Guidelines Regarding Harassment Complaints that Arise During Practicum Placements).
Occasional ('Supply') Teaching
If an Associate Teacher is absent during the Practicum, the school must follow its normal procedures with respect to on-calls and/or obtaining an occasional teacher. Teacher Candidates may NOT be hired as occasional teachers, nor may they act as occasional teachers while in the Bachelor of Education program unless they have both:
- A Transitional Teaching Certificate from the Ontario College of Teachers, and
- Approval from their Foundations Instructor
If both of these conditions are satisfied, a Teacher Candidate may be employed as an Occasional Teacher for a maximum of five (5) days during their third and final practicum. These days must take place in the same grade (and teachable subject, if applicable) as their current Practicum.