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Attendance during Practicum

If, for any reason, a Teacher Candidate is absent during either an Observation Day or the Teaching Block, the following protocol must be followed

  1. The Teacher Candidate shall notify the Associate Teacher and Foundations Instructor via an agreed upon method (e.g., email, text, via the school office) before the school day begins
  2. The Teacher Candidate is expected to submit all lesson plans and related materials before the school day begins
  3. The Teacher Candidate must make up any missed days at a time mutually agreed upon with the Associate Teacher. 
  4. In the case of inclement weather, the Teacher Candidate should follow the procedure as outlined by the host school/board.

If you are concerned about a Teacher Candidate's attendance, please reach out to the Teacher Candidate's Foundations Instructor as soon as possible. 

Associate Teacher Absences

A plan for the absence of an Associate Teacher should be discussed with the Teacher Candidate at the beginning of the Practicum. Please note: no Teacher Candidate may be asked to be an Occasional Teacher or left unsupervised by an OCT Certified teacher and employee of the board (with the exception of those with a Transitional Certificate).