FELConline 2.0: Supporting Quality Pre-service Teacher Education
FELConline 2.0 is a free microcredential course open to anyone who administers, supports, or participates in a teacher education program! With funding provided by SSHRC and eCampus Ontario,
The Field Experience Learning Community (FELC) 2.0 is a short and free online microcredential course intended to support associate teachers, teacher candidates, university supervisors and school administrators as they implement their role within the field experience or practicum component of initial or pre-service teacher education programs.
Developed by Dr. Diana Petrarca (Ontario Tech University) and Dr. Julian Kitchen (Brock University), this microcredential provides research-based best practices to optimize the learning and growth of future teachers, regardless of their program or institution. The course is organized around four modules:
- Exploring the various roles in the field experience;
- Preparation for the field experience;
- Planning during the field experience;
- Feedback during the field experience.
Each module takes approximately 30 - 60 minutes to complete, and can be explored at your own pace.