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Addressing Concerns in Practicum

All members of the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) are expected to uphold the Standards of Practice and the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession. This includes you as well as the teachers with whom you are learning. The faculty acknowledges that everyone has the right to learn in a safe and welcoming environment. We also acknowledge the power imbalance experienced by Teacher Candidates who may be concerned about the repercussions of reporting feeling uncomfortable to their Associate Teacher -- the person evaluating them, and with whom they must interact directly for days at a time. 

If you are feeling uncomfortable as a result of a behaviour or action, regardless of whether the behaviour or action is directed at you, a student, a parent, an administrator, another teacher, or a community member, you are asked to reach out to your Foundations Instructor or directly to the Practicum Specialist without hesitation. Likewise, regardless of who is engaging in the behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable, you should reach out to your Foundations Instructor or Practicum Specialist immediately. 

Reporting that you are feeling uncomfortable in your placement will not be looked upon unfavourably. We will work with you to resolve the issue up to and including finding you a new placement. The behaviour of others is not a reflection of you or your ability to teach and to learn, and you will be supported in resolving the issue. 

As Teacher Candidates, you are not employees of the board in which you do your Practicum, and you will not be asked to be part of any investigation. The faculty works with the board on behalf of Teacher Candidates and always wants to provide the best possible learning environment. 

Following a report, your Foundations Instructor and/or Practicum Specialist will meet with you to discuss the nature of the incident(s) and determine an appropriate course of action.