Brenda Jacobs
Assistant Teaching Professor
Faculty of Education
Contact information
Education Building
- Room 309-1
Downtown Oshawa
11 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON
Dr. Brenda Jacobs is an Assistant Teaching Professor at Ontario Tech University in the Faculty of Education. Brenda completed her B.A. (Psychology) and B.Ed. (Primary/Junior) at the University of Western Ontario and her M.Ed., Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education, and PhD at York University. She is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers and the College of Early Childhood Educators. She has taught elementary school-aged children in Oxford, England, Vancouver, British Columbia and Toronto, Ontario. Brenda is a member of the SSHRC funded research team on Innovation Through Co-Production: Supporting Social Competence in Preschool Children Through Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
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Courses Taught
Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies
- AEDT 4150U Holistic Learning in Early Childhood
Bachelor of Education
- EDUC 3208U Teaching Kindergarten
- EDUC 2402U Teaching for Inclusion: Special Needs and Individualized Education
- EDUC 1302U PJ Digital Literacies I
- EDUC 1306U PJ Digital Literacies/Social Studies II
- EDUC 1301U Learning and Development
- EDUC 2406U Reflective Practice/Action Research
- EDUC 1300U Foundations I: Planning and Preparation
- EDUC 1305U Foundations II: Curriculum Theory
- EDUC 2405U Foundations III: Long-Range Planning
Masters in Education
- EDUC 5199G Play, Inquiry and Learning
- EDUC 5002G Introduction to Research in Education
Research and Expertise
- Early Childhood Education
- Kindergarten
- Self-Regulation
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Emergent Curriculum
- Inquiry-based Learning
- Inquiry in Online Classrooms
- Play, Digital Play, and Play-based Learning
- Early Literacy
- Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education
- Pedagogical Documentation
- Assessment
- Curriculum
Jacobs, B. (2022). Self-Regulation and Inquiry-based Learning in the Primary Classroom. Pp. 230. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press. Refereed.
Ruttenberg-Rozen, R. & Jacobs, B. (2022). Considerations of equity for learners experiencing mathematics difficulties: At the nexus between mathematics and special education. In Y.P. Xin, R. Tzur & H. Thouless (EDS). Enabling Mathematics Learning of Struggling Students. Springer. Refereed
Wien, C.A., Jacobs, B., & Brown, E. (2015). Emergent curriculum and the tension between relationship and assessment. In O. Saracho (ED), Contemporary Perspectives on Research in Assessment and Evaluation in Early Childhood Education (pp. 93-116). Charlotte NC: Information Age Publishing. Refereed.
Jacobs, B. (2015), Capturing Learning in the Classroom (CLIC Software) in Ontario’s Full-Day Kindergarten (Toronto ON: Pearson Canada/MITACS Research Report). https://www.mitacs.ca/en/projects/capturing-learning-classroom-clic
Jacobs, B., & Jacobs, L. (2011). The Professionalization of Adult Literacy Practitioners: Impacts and Benefits for Learners. Toronto ON: Commissioned Paper for the Ontario Literacy Coalition.
Jacobs, B., & Jacobs, L. (2010). Multidisciplinary Paths to Family Justice in Ontario: Professional Challenges and Promising Practices, Final Report. Toronto ON: Law Commission of Ontario Family Law Reform Project. Refereed. http://www.lco-cdo.org/en/content/family-law-reform
Jacobs, B. (2008). Children’s Conversations About the Sun, Moon, and Earth. In C.A. Wien (ED), Emergent Curriculum in the Primary Classroom: Interpreting the Reggio Emilia Approach in Schools (pp. 82-95). New York & Washington: Teachers College Press/National Association for the Education of Young Children. Refereed.