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Community Partnerships

Adler Institute of Professional Psychology
Projects: Alumni outreach, keynotes, and seminars
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

BMO,  Herjavec Group, TELUS, Sunlife
Description: Cybergirls Ambassador Program
Contact: Sheila Rhodes

Canadian Mental Health Association
Projects: Sseminars, advisory board
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Description: Cybergirls Ambassador Program
Contact: Sheila Rhodes

Description: Cybergirls Ambassador Program
Contact: Sheila Rhodes

Durham Region Social Services
Description: Knowledge mobilization and community collaborations
Contact: Dr. Ann LeSage

Ontario College of Teachers
Projects: Cconsulting and outreach for safe schools, mental health, inclusivity
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Oshawa Senior Citizen Centra
Projects: Review of program development
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Pine Ridge Math Association
ProjectsPromoting teacher and TC professional development in mathematics education
Contact(s): Dr. Ami Mamolo, Dr. Robyn-Ruutenberg-Rozen, Dr. Diane Tepylo

Teaching Partnerships

Ablities Centre (Whitby)
Description: Teacher candidates particpate and learng about accessibiltiy and inlcuson
Contact: Dr. Wency Barber

Blue Quills First Nations University
Description: Developing online language teaching programming
Contact: Dr. Allyson Eamer

Canadian Art Therapy Assoication
Description: Provide keynote speches and developing workshops
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Canadian Safe Schools Network
Description: Program development and evaluation
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

College of Registered Therapists
Description: Keynote speeches, seminars, supervision for new therapist
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Description:  Our wonderful boards who support our tecaher candidates in the B.Ed. program
Contact: Stepahnie Thompson and Ron McKelvey

Durham Regionnal Police Services
Description: Program development and evaluation
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

FNMIEAO, Math Knowledge Network, NASA
Description: Working together to develop curricula and offer programming to FNMI youth
Contact: Dr. Janette Hughes

Collaborating on a summer camp; partnering on curriculum writing
Contact: Dr. Janette Hughes

International Acaedmy of Law and Mental Health
Description: Community outreach through key note speeches and workshops
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Mental Health Commission of Canada
Description: Program development and evaluation
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Ontario Art Therapy Association
Description: Community outreach through key note speeches and workshops
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Ontario College of Teachers Additional Course Developers
Description: FOLC model based AQ development
Contact: EiLab

Ontario Provincial Police
Description: Program development and evaluation
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Ottawa Centre for Excellence in Child and Youth Mental Health
Description: Community outreach through key note speeches and workshops
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Description: Program development and evaluation
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Teacher Mentors Abroad
Description: Supporting professional development opportunties for Dominican Reupblic teachers
Contact: Dr. Allyson Eamer and Dr. Robyn Ruttenberg-Rozen

Toronto Police Services
Description: Program development and evaluation
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

UNESP in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Description: Teaching in graduate program
Contact: Dr. Janette Hughes

University of France - Sous-Saleve
Description: International Exchange for teaching and learning - Language Learning -Sport and Recreation
Contact: Dr. Wendy Barber

Windreach Farm
Description: Developing accessible and Inclusive Recreation Therapy for individuals with special needs
Contact: Dr. Wendy Barber

Research Partnerships

Athabasca UniversityCape Peninsula University, ,Doctoral NetKiev National Economics University,
Magdeburg-Stendal Univeristy of Applied SciencesNational University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine,
Rezekne Technological AcademyUniversity of MassechusettsUniversity College London & Tel Aviv University
Description: Digital skills and competences
Contact: EILab

Blue Quills First Nations University
Description: Developing online language teaching programming
Contact: Dr. Allyson Eamer

Bosie State University
Description: Provide keynote speches and developing workshops
Contact: Dr. Jia Li

Canadian Art Therapy Assoication
Description: Provide keynote speches and developing workshops
Contact: Dr. Jennifer Laffier

Canadian Association of Teacher Education
Description: Supporting polygraph about teacher education programs in Ontario
Contact: Dr. Diana Petrarca

CODE and Ministry of Education
Description: Science 3D through Maker Pedagogies
Contact: Dr. Janette Hughes

Education Univesity of Hong Kong
Description: A comparative multi-case study of Hong Kong and mainland Chinese university students’ self-regulated mobile-assisted vocabulary learning
Contact: Dr. Jia Li

Harvard Graduate School of Education
Description: Language and literacy development and interventions across curriculum for urban diverse adolescents in US and Canadian Indigenous youth
Contact: Dr. Jia Li

Human Development and Applied Psychology Dept. OISE/UT
Description: Technology-based vocabulary Intervention for Indigenous youth
Contact: Dr. Jia Li

Mount Saint Vincent, University of Winnipeg
Description: SSHRC grant with Alyson King (FSSH) on under-represented students in post secondary education
Contact: Dr. Allyson Eamer

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Description: Creativity and Creative Thinking Collaboration with 13 other countries
Contact: Dr. Janette Hughes, Dr. Jennifer Laffier, Dr. Diana Petarca 

Peterborough Northumberland Victoria, Clarington Catholic District School Board
Description: Conducting research, supporting the development of the Techology-Enhanced leadership plan,
Contact: Dr. Lorayne Robertson

State University of Pennsylvania
Description: Meta-analysis, literacy intervention for middle grades and university undergraduates
Contact: Dr. Jia Li

Technological University, Dublin, & Durham College
Description: Hosting the Higher Education in Transformation Symposia (HEIT). There have been 3 conferences that have alternated between Dublin (2015, 2018) and Oshawa (2016, 2020 upcoming).
Contact: Dr. Brian Campbell

Toronto District of School Board
Description: Two projects supporting new immigrant and refugee students’ language and literacy development
Contact: Dr. Jia Li

University College London & Tel Aviv University
Description: Early mathematics intervention for learners with autism (UCL Researcher-Helen Thouless) (Tel Aviv Researcher Esther Levenson)
Contact: Dr. Robyn Ruttenberg-Rozen

University of Alberta
Description: Technology-based vocabulary Intervention for Indigenous youth and technology supported academic vocabulary intervention for adolescents and youth
Contact: Dr. Jia Li

University of California, Berkeley
Description: Canadian culture langauge and film studies: Youth's perceptive
Contact: Dr. Jia Li

University of Helsinki
Description: Inquiry based learning through Makerspaces
Contact: Dr. Janette Hughes

University of Ottawa
Description: SSHRC grant on Making and Literacy
Contact: Dr. Janette Hughes

Western University & Chinese University of Hong Kong
Description: Multicultural education, and teachers' education across cultural and linguistic contexts
Contact: Dr. Jia Li and Dr. Roland van Oostveen

World Future Forum- Chicago
Description: International Research Fellow
Contact: Dr. Janette Hughes