Assignment of Practicum
The BEd Practicum office has affiliation agreements with many boards across the province of Ontario. We respect the unique placement assignment process of every board and abide by their direction.
Teacher Candidates cannot pursue nor select their own placement, nor can we accept arrangements directly from classroom teachers.
Teacher Candidates offer a first and second choice of boards. Depending on the board, a ward, area, or choice of schools may be requested, however Teacher Candidates must be prepared to accept any placement within that board. The only exception may be a personal conflict with a particular school (children and/or family members attend or work, etc.).
Providing the Practicum Office with an updated home address and transportation information is important throughout the program.
School parking facilities are often limited. Teacher Candidates are advised to inquire with the host school about parking facilities in order to make arrangements regarding parking and transportation.
It is the responsibility of the Teacher Candidate to secure reliable transportation to and from placements. Due to the extensive geographic area we cover, it is possible that your travel time to your placement could be longer than you would prefer.
Professional presentation:
Teacher Candidates are expected to present in a professional manner.
Arrival time:
Teacher Candidates are expected to arrive at their assigned classroom at least 30 minutes prior to the official school start time. Please check and adhere to the sign-in procedure of the individual school. It is the Teacher Candidate's responsibility to determine directions to the school and the school start time in advance.
Departure time:
Teacher Candidates are expected to remain in the school for at least 30 minutes at the end of the school day, or as determined by the Associate Teacher.
Supervisory duties:
Any supervisory duties carried out by the Teacher Candidate must be supervised by a member of the Ontario College of Teachers. These supervisory duties could include yard duty, hall duty, lunch duty, or supervision of out-of-class excursions.
Co-curricular activities:
Teacher Candidates are encouraged to make a reasonable contribution to co-curricular activities and the school community. They may assist in the coaching and conducting of an activity, but they are not permitted to have sole responsibility for a team or activity. Teacher Candidates must conduct any co-curricular activities under the supervision of a member of the Ontario College of Teachers.