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Diploma - Facilitating Adult Learning with Technology

The Diploma in Facilitating Adult Learning with Technology is a fully online, six-course program designed for students with a post-secondary diploma or equivalent. Our unique online format uses virtual classrooms to maximize interaction, collaboration and community building.  You may pursue this program on a part-time or full-time basis. This program emphasizes real-world inquiry/problem-based learning to provide you with the best opportunities to develop job-ready skills in training and instruction using digital technology in adult education fields.

As a graduate from our program, you will learn:

  • Digital age skills such as collaboration, leadership, online facilitation, professional and ethical behaviour, time management and virtual teamwork.
  • Critical, creative and problem-based thinking.
  • How to design and facilitate adult learning.
  • Social advocacy in digital media environments.
  • Technical practices and digital epistemologies.
The Diploma in Facilitating Adult Learning with Technology:

  • Is conducted entirely online, using virtual classrooms to maximize interaction, collaboration and community building. This flexible format allows you to study from anywhere in the world and to pursue your studies part-time.
  • Affords careers in human resources management and training in the industrial, commercial and various other sectors.
  • Leverages the potential of digital technology affordances in adult education contexts.
  • Offers adult educators in corporate and government sectors opportunities for professional development and advancement in adult education and human resource development.
  • Situates graduates as college educators, military trainers, health educators (both for professional development and public education), as well as education bureaucrats and public educators in other service areas.
What is the online course structure?

The Facilitating Adult Learning with Technology diploma is offered fully online using virtual classrooms to maximize interaction, collaboration and community building. In each semester, one of the required courses will be offered. A typical 36-hour (three-credit) course is 12 weeks long and typically includes:

  • Two to three video clips per week, each of them six to eight minutes long, and associated readings available online.
  • Online synchronous tutorials in Zoom or Google Meet (60 minutes) moderated by a teaching assistant or instructor and drawing on the analysis and synthesis questions posed in the video clip as the starting point for discussion.
  • Online discussions in Canvas (a learning management system) or other asynchronous tools.
  • Work on problem-based learning (PBL) with a collaborative team.

Each student is expected to actively participate in the tutorial sessions by using their webcam and microphone, since it is easier to understand the ideas communicated by others when their facial expressions and body language can be seen, rather than just listening to them.

How many courses do I need to complete the program?

You need to complete 6 courses (18 credit hours) to obtain a diploma in Facilitating Adult Learning with Technology.

What technology do I need to participate?

Students require access to a computer, preferably a laptop, with these minimum characteristics:

  • A combination headset/microphone (external speakers are not acceptable as they tend to cause feedback noise).
  • High-speed Internet access (download speed should be greater than 20 Mbps and upload speed should be greater than 2 Mbps).
  • Video capabilities with either a built-in or external compatible webcam.
What software do I need to participate?

Your courses will make use of open-source software packages as much as possible. Each course instructor may also require the use of course-speaker software.

Basic software required includes:

  • Operating system: Windows 10 or newer, or MacOS X 10.6x or newer.
  • Web browser: Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari or Microsoft Edge.
  • Office software: Microsoft Office, Open Office or Google Workspace (presentation, spreadsheet and word processing applications).

Please consult the Technologies page on our Student Support website for more information on some of the common software applications used in our courses. 

How do I participate in the online virtual classroom?

You will use video conferencing software (e.g., Zoom, or Google Meet). These programs allow you to actively participate in a real-time virtual classroom.

What computer skills do I need?

Students must possess a minimum technical skill set that allows them to use the necessary technology used in their courses. All students should be comfortable with the use of a computer and the basic software listed above.

Adopting a growth mindset toward digital technologies is highly important for this program. If a specific tool is new to you, use the situation as an independent problem-based learning opportunity to try to figure it out for yourself or work collaboratively with your peers.

You should also be able to find many helpful resources on the Internet including our Student Support website.

What teaching approach do you use?

Classes are highly interactive, collaborative and based around Inquiry Learning (IL)/Problem-Based Learning (PBL). IL/PBL is an approach to learning in which "students, working in small teams, examine a problem, situation and, through this exploration, are expected to locate the gaps in their own knowledge and skills in order to decide what information they need to acquire in order to resolve or manage the situation".

Integral to our program will be the application of foundational educational principles to workplace/community-specific contexts and problems to ensure depth and breadth of understanding. Understanding is further enhanced through exposure to contexts beyond students' own intended work/life environments.

What courses do you offer?

Check out the Courses tab to explore our rich course selection.

How do I apply to the Facilitating Adult Learning with Technology diploma program?

Please go to our College-to-University Transfer Application site to apply.

  • A total of 6 courses (18 credit hours) must be completed to earn the Diploma in Facilitating Adult Learning with Technology. 
Core courses (required): 

EDST 1000U – Foundations of Learning
EDST 2110U – Assessment and Evaluation 
EDST 2140U – Creating Digital Tools 
EDST 2150U – Teaching to Facilitate Learning 

One of the following: 

EDST 3000U – Instructional Design (formerly EDST 4140U)
EDST 3440U – Managing and Developing eLearning Projects 
EDST 4120U – Games and Simulations for Learning 

One Educational Studies elective: 

View the full list of Educational Studies courses and descriptions here

Please go to the College-to-University Transfer Application site for information about: 

  • Admission requirements 
  • How to apply
  • Important dates
  • English language proficiency
  • Transfer credits
  • Useful links

For general inquiries, contact 

Susan Snelling
Senior Academic Advisor
905.721.8668 ext. 2703 

Anna Rodrigues, PhD
Program Director
905.721.8668 ext. 2876