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Admission Criteria

Standard Applicant:

Standard Applicants must meet the following academic requirements:

  • Four-year honours degree or three-year university degree plus a Bachelor of Education; and
  • Overall B (3.0 GPA) average, with a minimum B (3.0 GPA) average in the last four semesters.
Non-Standard Applicant:

Non-standard Applicants do not meet the standard academic requirements listed above (e.g., 4 year degrees and/or 3.0 GPA average) but have considerable (e.g., 8-10 years) work experience in a relevant field. We encourage these applicants to pursue our Bridging option

Bridging Option

Non-standard Domestic Applicants: 
  • Typically start in our Graduate Diploma (GDip) program.
  • Complete at least two graduate courses in the GDip with a minimum B+ average per course.
  • With letters of recommendation from two GDip instructors, may transfer to our Master of Education (MEd) program (at no charge) and receive full credit in the MEd program for all courses completed in the Graduate Diploma.

Priority Status

We offer priority application status to:

  • Bachelor of Arts (Education Studies) graduates from Ontario Tech University.
  • Bachelor of Education graduates from Ontario Tech University.
  • Durham College professors.
  • DDSB teachers and staff.
  • CDSBE teachers and staff.


There are numerous options for funding your graduate education. Read more information about funding sources compiled by our faculty. 

Course fees

In the Faculty of Education, fees are assessed by course, not by semester. Each graduate-level course in the Faculty of Education costs approximately:

  • Domestic students: $1,577
  • International students: $2,733 

Continuance fees (for continuing work on a major paper, project, or thesis) are charged per semester beyond standard degree components, approximately in the amount of:

  • Domestic students: $1,577 (part-time) to $3,155 (full-time).
  • International students: $2,733 (part-time) to $5,465 (full-time).
Mandatory ancillary fees

Ancillary fees are charged to every student each semester, though the exact amount depends on whether you are registered for full-time or part-time. These fees are used to provide important services and resources for students, both on campus and online, such as career services, health and dental, student safety and accessibility, and more. Ancillary fees are approved by both the Ontario Tech Student Union (OTSU) and the Board of Governors. View the full ancillary fee breakdown, including when each fee is charged. 

Non-mandatory ancillary fees

These fees are only charged once per academic year, and you have the ability to opt-out under certain circumstances: 

  • Health and dental: Provides coverage to supplement the provincial health plan for full-time students only. You can opt-out of a portion of the health and dental insurance fees by providing proof of pre-existing coverage. Find out more about the health and dental insurance opt-out process

For more information about fees and tuition, please see the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) website. In the event of a discrepancy the SGPS should be considered the most accurate source. 


Application Deadlines

Domestic Applicants:

Firm deadlines for submitting all application materials are:

  • October 1, to begin your program the following January (Winter term), when applicable.
  • February 1, to begin your program the following May (Spring term), when applicable.
  • May 15th, to begin your program the following September (Fall term).
International Applicants: 

Please refer to the application deadlines outlined by the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. 

Application Requirements

Standard Applicant:
  • An official or certified copy of your academic transcript(s).
  • A copy of your degree parchment(s).
  • Statement of Intent - see Standard Applicant - Statement of Intent Template.
  • Two letters of reference (academic or professional). Each reference must rate the applicant and provide at least two paragraphs of support.
  • If you are from a country where English is not the first language of instruction, you must demonstrate English proficiency.
Non-Standard Applicant:
  • An official or certified copy of your academic transcript(s).
  • A copy of your degree parchment(s).
  • A detailed Statement of Intent - see Non Standard Applicant - Statement of Intent Template.
  • Two detailed letters of reference (academic or professional). Each reference must rate the applicant and provide a detailed letter of support.
  • A copy of your CV (Resume)

To Apply

Visit the Application process and requirements page on the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website to apply online.